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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28aeea110eebfc3a9c26316428b3d5b3126b2834
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/user-guide/solvers/Figures/PulseWaveBifurcation.png differ
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a322e1576f3a72b959036ec019fd555271b1a928
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/user-guide/solvers/Figures/StentComposite.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/user-guide/solvers/Figures/StentDomain.png differ
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83037eb53b774070e1eeb0d8025c2ae9b113aa5f
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/user-guide/solvers/Figures/StentGeometry.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/user-guide/solvers/Figures/StentMaterial.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/user-guide/solvers/Figures/StentPressureProfile.png differ
diff --git a/docs/user-guide/solvers/pulse-wave.tex b/docs/user-guide/solvers/pulse-wave.tex
index 960a114d373c7ecdf04303ada7aa66d82634b852..8c5f408f35727cc83b84aea8b6566f0c5dc6f369 100644
--- a/docs/user-guide/solvers/pulse-wave.tex
+++ b/docs/user-guide/solvers/pulse-wave.tex
@@ -2,24 +2,26 @@
-The PulseWaveSolver solves the nonlinear hyperbolic system
-(Equ.~\ref{e:pulsewave:hyperbolic}) based on the variables $(A,u)$ and is
-directly obtained by conservation of mass and momentum for a $1$-dimensional
-\frac{\partial A}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial A u}{\partial x} &= 0 )]] \\
-\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + u \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + \frac{1}{\rho}
-\frac{\partial p}{\partial x} + K_R u&= 0 
-The reduction of three-dimensional flow towards one dimension is achieved by
-assuming the flow is constant over the cross- sectional area. This assumption
-allows an accurate representation of the in-vivo environment at a reasonable
-computational cost \cite{ShFoPeFr03}. In the following, we will explain
+1D modelling of the vasculature (arterial network) represents and insightful and efficient tool for tackling problems encountered in arterial biomechanics as well as other engineering problems. In particular, 3D modelling of the vasculature is relatively expensive. 1D modelling provides an alternative in which the modelling assumptions provide a good balance between physiological accuracy and computational efficiency.To describe the flow and pressure in this network we consider the conservation of mass and momentum applied to an impermeable, deformable tube filled with an incompressible fluid, the nonlinear system of partial differential equations presented in non-conservative form is given by
+\frac{\partial \mathbf{U}}{\partial{t}} + \mathbf{H}\frac{\partial{\mathbf{U}}}{\partial{x}} 
+= \mathbf{S}
+\mathbf{U}=\begin{bmatrix} U \\ A \end{bmatrix}, \quad \mathbf{H}=\begin{bmatrix} U & A \\ \rho\frac{\partial{p}}{\partial{A}} & U\end{bmatrix}, \quad \mathbf{S}=\begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ \frac{1}{\rho}\left(\frac{f}{A}-s\right) \end{bmatrix} \nonumber
+in which $A$ is the Area (related to pressure), $x$ is the axial coordinate along the vessel, $U(x,t)$ the axial velocity, $P(x,t)$ is the pressure in the tube,  $\rho$ is the density and finally $f$ the frictional force per unit length. The unknowns in equation \ref{eqn:1DContMom} are $u, A$ and $p$; hence we must provide an explicit algebraic relationship to close this system. Typically, closure is provided by an algebraic relationship between $A$ and $p$. For a thin elastic tube this is given by
+p=p_{0}+\beta\left(\sqrt{A}-\sqrt{A_{0}}\right), \quad \beta=\frac{\sqrt{\pi h E}}{(1-\nu^{2})A_{0}}
+where $p_{0}$ is the external pressure, $A_{0}$ is the initial cross-sectional area, $E$ is the Young's modulus, $h$ is the vessel wall thickness and $\nu$ is the Poisson's ratio. Other more elaborate pressure - area relationships are currently being implemented into the framework. Application of Riemann's method of characteristics to equations \ref{eqn:1DContMom} and \ref{eqn:PA} indicates that velocity and area are propagated through the system by forward and backward travelling waves. These waves are reflected and within the network by appropriate treatment of interfaces and boundaries. In the following, we will explain
 the usage of the blood flow solver on the basis of a single-artery problem and
 also on an arterial network consisting of $55$ arteries.
@@ -30,6 +32,90 @@ PulseWaveSolver session.xml
 \section{Session file configuration}
+\subsection{Pulse Wave Sovler mesh connectivity}
+Typically 1D arterial networks are made up of a connection of different base units: segments, bifurcations and merging junctions. The input format in the PulseWaveSolver means these connections are handle naturally from the mesh topology; hence care must be taken when designing the 1D domain. The figure below outlines the structure of a bifurcation, which is a common reoccurring structure in the vasculature.
+\caption{Model of bifurcating artery. The bifurcation is made of three domains and 15 vertices. Vertex V[0] is the inlet and vertices V[10] and V[15] the outlets.}
+To represent this topology in the xml file we specify the following vertices under the section \inltt{VERTEX} (the extents are: $-100 \geq x \leq 100$ and $-100 \geq y \leq 100$ )
+  <V ID="0">-1.000e+02 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="1">-8.000e+01 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="2">-6.000e+01 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="3">-4.000e+01 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="4">-2.000e+01 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="5"> 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="6"> 2.000e+01 2.000e+01 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="7"> 4.000e+01 4.000e+01 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="8"> 6.000e+01 6.000e+01 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="9"> 8.000e+01 8.000e+01 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="10"> 1.000e+02 1.000e+02 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="11"> 2.000e+01 -2.000e+01 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="12"> 4.000e+01 -4.000e+01 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="13"> 6.000e+01 -6.000e+01 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="14"> 8.000e+01 -8.000e+01 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="15"> 1.000e+02 -1.000e+02 0.000e+00</V>
+The elements from these vertices are then constructed under the section \inltt{ELEMENT} by defining 
+  <!-- Parent artery -->
+  <S ID="0">    0     1 </S>
+  <S ID="1">    1     2 </S>
+  <S ID="2">    2     3 </S>
+  <S ID="3">    3     4 </S>
+  <S ID="4">    4     5 </S>
+  <!-- Daughter artery 1 -->    
+  <S ID="5">    5     6 </S>
+  <S ID="6">    6     7 </S>
+  <S ID="7">    7     8 </S>
+  <S ID="8">    8     9 </S>
+  <S ID="9">    9     10 </S>
+  <!-- Daughter artery 2 -->    
+  <S ID="11">     5     11 </S>
+  <S ID="12">    11    12 </S>
+  <S ID="13">    12    13 </S>
+  <S ID="14">    13    14 </S>
+  <S ID="15">    14    15 </S>
+The composites, which represent groups of elements and boundary regions are defined under the section \inltt{COMPOSITE} by
+  <C ID="0"> S[0-4] </C>	<!-- Parent artery -->
+  <C ID="1"> V[0] </C>		<!-- Inlet to domain -->
+  <C ID="3"> S[5-9] </C>	<!-- Daughter artery 1 -->
+  <C ID="4"> V[10] </C>		<!-- Outlet of daughter artery 1 -->
+  <C ID="6"> S[11-15] </C>	<!-- Daughter artery 2 -->
+  <C ID="8"> V[15] </C>		<!-- Outlet of daughter artery 2 -->
+Each of the segments can be then represented under the section \inltt{DOMAIN} by
+  <D ID="0"> C[0] </D>	<!-- Parent artery -->
+  <D ID="1"> C[3] </D>	<!-- Daughter artery 1 -->
+  <D ID="2"> C[6] </D>	<!-- Daughter artery 2 -->
+We will use the different domains later to define variable material properties and cross-sectional areas.
 \subsection{Session Info}
 The PulseWaveSolver is sqpecified through the \inltt{EquationType}
 option in the session file. This can be set as follows:
@@ -46,33 +132,87 @@ using the following option:
+ \subsection{Parameters}
 The following parameters can be specified in the \inltt{PARAMETERS} section of
-the session file:
+the session file. 
-\item \inltt{rho}: sets the density (Default value: 1.0).
-\item \inltt{nue}: sets the poisson's ratio (Default value: 0.5).
-\item \inltt{pext}: sets the external pressure (Default value: 0.0).
-\item \inltt{h0}: sets a constant arterial wall thickness (Default value: 1.0).
-\item \inltt{a1}: (Default value: 0).
-\item \inltt{a2}: (Default value: 0).
-\item \inltt{kappa}: (Default value: 0).
-\item \inltt{Y0}: (Default value: 0).
-\item \inltt{k}: (Default value: 0).
-\item \inltt{k1}: (Default value: 0).
+\item \inltt{TimeStep} is the time-step size;
+\item \inltt{FinTime} is the final physical time at which the simulation will  stop;
+\item \inltt{NumSteps} is the equivalent of \inltt{FinTime} but instead of specifying the 
+physical final time the number of time-steps is defined;
+\item \inltt{IO\_CheckSteps} sets the number of steps between successive checkpoint files;
+\item \inltt{IO\_InfoSteps} sets the number of steps between successive info stats are printed 
+to screen;
+\item \inltt{rho} density of the fluid. Default value = 1.0;
+\item \inltt{nue} Poisson's ratio. Default value = 0.5 ;
+\item \inltt{pest} external pressure. Default value = 0;
+\item \inltt{h0} wall thickness Default value = 1.0;
+\subsection{Boundary conditions}
+In this section we can specify the boundary conditions for our problem.
+First we need to define the variables under the section \inltt{VARIABLES}.
+   <V ID="0"> A </V>
+   <V ID="1"> u </V>
+The composites that we want to apply out boundary conditions then need to be defined in the \inltt{BOUNDARYREIONS}, for example if we had three composites (C[1], C[4] and C[8]) that correspond to three vertices of the computational mesh we would define:
+  <B ID="0"> C[1] </B>
+  <B ID="1"> C[4] </B>
+  <B ID="2"> C[8] </B>
+Finally we can specify the boundary conditions on the regions specified under \inltt{BOUNDARYREGIONS}.
+The Pulse Wave Solver comes with a number of boundary conditions that are unique to this solver. Boundary conditions must be provided for both the area and velocity at the inlets and outlets of the domain. Examples of the different boundary conditions will be provided in the following.
+\paragraph{Inlet boundary condition:~} Typically at the inlet of the domain a flow profile (\inltt{Q-inflow}) is specified through a \inltt{USERDEFINEDTYPE} boundary conditioning . An example inlet condition for the parent artery of the previously bifurcation example is
+	<D VAR="A" USERDEFINEDTYPE="Q-inflow" VALUE="(7.112e-4)*(sin(7.854*t) 
+-0.562)*(1/(1+exp(-400*(sin(7.854*t)-0.562))))" />
+        <D VAR="u" USERDEFINEDTYPE="Q-inflow" VALUE="1.0" />
+\paragraph{Terminal boundary conditions:~} At the outlets of the domain there are four possible boundary conditions: reflection (\inltt{Terminal}), terminal resistance \inltt{R-terminal}, 
+Two element windkessel (CR)  \inltt{CR-terminal}, and three element windkessel (RCR) \inltt{RCR-terminal}.  An example of the outflow boundary condition of the RCR terminal is given below
+	<D VAR="u" USERDEFINEDTYPE="RCR-terminal" VALUE="C" />
+Where \inltt{RT} is the total peripheral resistance  used in the the  \inltt{R-terminal}, \inltt{CR-terminal} and \inltt{RCR-terminal}  models
 The following functions can be specified inside the \inltt{CONDITIONS} section
 of the session file:
+\item  \inltt{MaterialProperties}: specifies the material properties for each domain.
+\item  \inltt{A\textunderscore0}: Initial area of each domain.
 \item \inltt{AdvectionVelocity}: specifies the advection velocity $v$.
 \item \inltt{InitialConditions}: specifies the initial condition for unsteady
 \item \inltt{Forcing}: specifies the forcing function $f$
+As an example to specify the material properties for each domain in the previous bifurcation example we would enter:
+<FUNCTION NAME="MaterialProperties">
+   <E VAR="beta" DOMAIN="0" VALUE="97" />
+   <E VAR="beta" DOMAIN="1" VALUE="87" />
+   <E VAR="beta" DOMAIN="2" VALUE="233" />
+The values of \inltt{beta} are used in the pressure-area relationship (equation \ref{eqn:PA}). 
 \subsection{Human Vascular Network}
@@ -304,183 +444,164 @@ patient-specific planning of medical interventions.
 \subsection{Stented Artery}
-In the following we will explain the usage of the PulseWaveSolver on the basis
-of a very common procedure in cardiovascular surgery: the placement of a stent
-in an artery. Fig.~\ref{f:pulsewave:stent} (left) shows a schematic picture of a
-stented artey, whereas Fig.~\ref{f:pulsewave:stent} (right) describes our
-corresponding test-case layout.
+\subsection{Stented Artery}
+In the following we will explain the usage of the  \hyperref[PulseWaveSolver]{Pulse Wave solver} to model the flow and pressure variation through a stented artery - a cardiovascular procedure in which a small mesh tube is inserted into an artery to restore blood flow through a constricted region. Due to the implantation of the stent this region will have different material properties compared to the the surrounding unstented tissue; hence will influence the propagation of waves through this system. The stent scenario to be modelled is a straight arterial segment with a stent situated between $x=a_{1}$ and $x=a_{2}$ as shown below.
-	\includegraphics[width=0.35\linewidth]{Figures/stent_2.jpg}
-	\includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{Figures/P_M_D.png}
-	\caption{}
-	\label{f:pulsewave:stent}
+\caption{Model of straight artery with a stent in the middle.}
-First we generate a one-dimensional inputfile called \inlsh{Test\_1.xml} by
-defining vertices in the 3-dimensional space and connect them by segment elements. Here
-we use $30$ elements and $31$ vertices respectively.
-In the following we desqcribe the geometry setup for modelling 1D flow in a
-stent. This is done by defining vertices, elements and composites. The vertices
-of the domain are shown in the following figure,
+\paragraph{Geometry:~} In the following we describe the geometry setup for modelling 1D flow in a stent. This is done by defining vertices, elements and composites. The vertices of the domain are shown below, consisting of 30 elements ($\Omega$) and 31 vertices (V[n]).
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Figures/Domain.png}
+\caption{1D arterial domain consisting of 30 elements and 31 vertices.}
-This is specified in the input file by,
+To represent the above in the xml file, we define 31 vertices as follows:
-    <V ID="0"> 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="0"> 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
-    <V ID="30">30.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
+  <V ID="30">30.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00</V>
+and the connectivity of these vertices to make up the 30 elements:
-    <S ID="0">    0     1 </S>
+  <S ID="0">    0     1 </S>
-    <S ID="29">   29    30 </S>
+  <S ID="29">   29    30 </S>
-Then these elements are combined to three different composites, composite 0
-represents all the elements, composite 1 the inflow boundary and composite 2 the
-outflow boundary.
+These elements are combined to three different composites (shown below): composite 0 represents all the elements; composite 1 the inflow boundary and composite 2 the outflow boundary.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Figures/Composite.png}
+\caption{Three composites (C[0], C[1] and C[2]) for the stunted artery.}
 The above composites are specified as follows:
-    <C ID="0"> S[0-29] </C>
-    <C ID="1"> V[0] </C>
-    <C ID="2"> V[30] </C>
+  <C ID="0"> S[0-29] </C>
+  <C ID="1"> V[0] </C>
+  <C ID="2"> V[30] </C>
-Finally the domain is specified by the first composite, via
+Finally the domain is specified by the first composite by
   <D ID="0"> C[0] </D>
-For the expansions we use 4th-order polynomials which define our two variables A
-and u on the domain.
+\paragraph{Expansion:~}For the expansions we use 4th-order polynomials which define our two variables A and u on the domain. 
-In the next section we provide all information that is required for the solution
-of our biomedical flow problem such as: timestep, simulation time and several
-parameters for the physics of our problem. The Discontinuous Galerkin
-Method is used as projection scheme and the time-integration is performed by a
-simple Forward Euler scheme.
-    <P> TimeStep       = 2e-6               </P>
-    <P> FinTime        = 0.25               </P>
-    <P> NumSteps       = FinTime/TimeStep   </P>
-    <P> IO_CheckSteps  = NumSteps/50        </P>
-    <P> IO_InfoSteps   = 100                </P>
-    <P> T              = 0.33               </P>
-    <P> h0             = 1.0                </P>
-    <P> rho            = 1.0                </P>
-    <P> nue            = 0.5                </P>
-    <P> pext           = 0.0                </P>
-    <P> a1             = 10.0               </P>
-    <P> a2             = 20.0               </P>
-    <P> kappa          = 100.0              </P>
-    <P> Y0             = 1.9099e+5          </P>
-    <P> k              = 2                  </P>
-    <P> k1             = 200                </P>
+\paragraph{Solver Information:~}The Discontinuous Galerkin Method is used as projection scheme and the time-integration is performed by a simple Forward Euler scheme. A full list of possible time integration scheme is given in the parameter section of the  \hyperref[PulseWaveSolver]{Pulse Wave Solver}
-    <I PROPERTY="EQTYPE" VALUE="PulseWavePropagation" />
-    <I PROPERTY="Projection" VALUE="DisContinuous" />
-    <I PROPERTY="TimeIntegrationMethod" VALUE="ForwardEuler" />
-    <I PROPERTY="UpwindTypePulse"  VALUE="UpwindPulse"/> 
+  <I PROPERTY="EQTYPE" VALUE="PulseWavePropagation" />
+  <I PROPERTY="Projection" VALUE="DisContinuous" />
+  <I PROPERTY="TimeIntegrationMethod" VALUE="ForwardEuler" />
+  <I PROPERTY="UpwindTypePulse"  VALUE="UpwindPulse"/> 
-    <V ID="0"> A </V>
-    <V ID="1"> u </V>
+\paragraph{Parameters:~} Parameters used for the simulation are taken from \cite{Sherwin2003} 
+   <P> TimeStep       = 2e-6               </P> 
+   <P> FinTime        = 0.25               </P>
+   <P> NumSteps       = FinTime/TimeStep   </P>
+   <P> IO_CheckSteps  = NumSteps/50        </P>
+   <P> IO_InfoSteps   = 100                </P>
+   <P> T              = 0.33               </P>
+   <P> h0             = 1.0                </P>
+   <P> rho            = 1.0                </P>
+   <P> nue            = 0.5                </P>
+   <P> pext           = 0.0                </P> 
+   <P> a1             = 10.0               </P> 
+   <P> a2             = 20.0               </P> 
+   <P> kappa          = 100.0              </P> 
+   <P> Y0             = 1.9099e+5          </P> 
+   <P> k              = 2                  </P> 
+   <P> k1             = 200                </P> 
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{Figures/Inflow.png}
-	\caption{}
-	\label{f:pulsewave:stented:inflow}
+\paragraph{Boundary conditions:~} At the inflow we apply a pressure boundary condition as shown in the figure below. This condition models the pressure variation during one heartbeat. A simple absorbing outflow boundary condition is applied the right end of the tube.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{Figures/betax.png}
-	\caption{}
-	\label{f:pulsewave:stented:betax}
+\caption{Pressure profile applied at the inlet of the artery}
-As for boundary conditions we apply a pressure boundary condition at the inflow
-according to Fig.~\ref{f:pulsewave:stented:inflow}, modelling the pressure
-variation during one heartbeat and a simple outflow boundary condition at the
-right end of the tube.
+These are defined in the xml file as follows,
-    <B ID="0"> C[1] </B> <B ID="1"> C[2] </B>
+   <B ID="0"> C[1] </B>
+   <B ID="1"> C[2] </B>
-    <REGION REF="0">
-        <D VAR="A" USERDEFINEDTYPE="TimeDependent" 
-           VALUE="(2000*sin(2*PI*t/T)*1./(1+exp(-2*k1*(T/2-t))-pext)/451352 +1)^2" /> 
-        <D VAR="u" USERDEFINEDTYPE="TimeDependent" VALUE="1.0" />
-    </REGION>
-    <REGION REF="1">
-        <D VAR="A" VALUE="1.0" />
-        <D VAR="u" VALUE="1.0" />
-    </REGION>
+   <REGION REF="0">
+      <D VAR="A" USERDEFINEDTYPE="TimeDependent" VALUE=
+      "(2000*sin(2*PI*t/T)*1./(1+exp(-2*k1*(T/2-t))-pext)/451352+1)^2" />
+      <D VAR="u" USERDEFINEDTYPE="TimeDependent" VALUE="1.0" />
+   </REGION>
+   <REGION REF="1">
+      <D VAR="A" VALUE="1.0" />
+      <D VAR="u" VALUE="1.0" />
+   </REGION>
-Our simulation starts from the static equilibrium of the vessel with normalised
-area and velocity. Also the area at the static equilibrium on the tube remains
-constant at 1.0.
+The simulation starts from the static equilibrium of the vessel with normalised area and velocity.
 <FUNCTION NAME="InitialConditions">
-    <E VAR="A" DOMAIN="0" VALUE="1.0" /> 
-    <E VAR="u" DOMAIN="0" VALUE="1.0" />
+	<E VAR="A" DOMAIN="0" VALUE="1.0" />
+	<E VAR="u" DOMAIN="0" VALUE="1.0" />
-    <E VAR="A" DOMAIN="0" VALUE="1.0" />
+	<E VAR="A" DOMAIN="0" VALUE="1.0" />
-We will apply the stent by introducing a discontinuity in the material
-properties following the graph in Fig.~\ref{f:pulsewave:stented:betax}. To run
-the simulation without stent we just set \inltt{E0=Y0}.
+\paragraph{Functions:~} The stent is introduced by applying a variable material properties function ($\beta$ - see equation \ref{eqn:PA}) along the vessel in the x direction, shown graphically below
+\caption{material property variation along the artery. The stiff region in the middle represents the stent.}
+and defined in the xml file by
 <FUNCTION NAME="MaterialProperties"> 
-    <E VAR="E0" DOMAIN="0" 
-       VALUE="Y0*(1.0-kappa/(1+exp(-2*k*(a1-x)))+kappa/(1+exp(-2*k*(a2-x))))" />
+	"Y0*(1.0-kappa/(1+exp(-2*k*(a1-x)))+kappa/(1+exp(-2*k*(a2-x))))" />     	