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  • Chris Cantwell's avatar
    Merge branch 'feature/FCEquispacedVtu' into 'master' · 524294db
    Chris Cantwell authored
    Feature/fc equispaced vtu
    This MR is to introduced equispaced output into the VTU output. So the option -m equispaced output can now be executed, i.e. 
    FieldConvert -m equispacedoutput file.xml file.fld file.vtu 
    will produce a much reduced set of points when using tris or tets which also gives a more even rendering of the image
    The MR also contains the ability to run it in parallel which produces a .pvtu file that allows multiple output files from each partition to be loaded into ParaView of VisIt.  The current convention for this is to generate a directory file_vtu which contains file P0000000.vtu P0000001.vtu ...
    Currently it does not check if the directory exists before dumping files. 
    See merge request !550
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