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Feature/l siac

Ashok Jallepalli requested to merge feature/L-SIAC into master

Issue/feature addressed

Please provide a description of the problem your changes address. Be sure to link to any related items in the issue tracker. Request to apply a new post-processing filter (L-SIAC) to the Field convert module.

The L-SIAC filter can be used either through the Fieldconvert module or using API's.

Proposed solution

A summary of the proposed changes and how they address the issue/feature at hand. Whenever possible, describe alternatives your considered and decisions you made.


A more detailed description of the changes. Please include any details necessary for reviewers to understand your work, and point out particular points would like them to pay particular attention to.



Please add any other information that could be useful for reviewers.


  • Functions and classes, or changes to them, are documented.
  • User guide/documentation is updated.
  • Changelog is updated.
  • Suitable tests added for new functionality.
  • Contributed code is correctly formatted. (See the contributing guidelines).
  • License added to any new files.
  • No extraneous files have been added (e.g. compiler output or test data files).


On the 19.07 the code formatting (code style) was standardised using clang-format, over the whole Nektar++ code. This means changes in your branch will conflict with formatting changes on the master branch. To resolve these conflicts , see #295 (closed)

Edited by Mohsen Lahooti

Merge request reports