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Add rotation to ForcingMovingReferenceFrame

If the moving body is rigid, the NS equation can be solved in the body frame t, \xi. Assume the absolute frame is t, x. NS equation is image See also

The body's translational velocity is u0, angular velocity is \Omega. The red term is the negative force of ForcingMovingReferenceFrame.

The red term is treated as a separate term in the previous implementation, which costs the same CPU time as evaluating the advection term. Now I think the advection part force can be calculated as a part of the advection term.

When calculation this force, we can first modify the advection velocity by calling PreApply which gets u_adv = u - u0 - \Omega x x. The advection term is u_adv \cdot \nabla u. Then, another term -\Omega x u is calculated in Apply.

Edited by Spencer Sherwin

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