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Fix for memory leak in NekMesh/OutputVtk.cpp

Alexandra Liosi requested to merge fix/NekMesh_OutputVtk_MemoryLeak into master

Issue/feature addressed

The instantiated VTK pointers (vtkUnstructuredGrid *vtkMesh, vtkPoints *vtkPoints, vtkUnstructuredGridWriter *vtkMeshWriter) were not deleted inside OutputVtk.cpp as it is suggested in, so this caused a memory leak issue.

Proposed solution

The VTK simple pointers were replaced with VTK smart pointers so that by the end of execution, their deletion will be taken care of by the VTKSmartPointer class.


ex. previously: vtkObject* MyObject = vtkObject::New();

now: vtkSmartPointer<vtkObject> MyObject = vtkSmartPointer<vtkObject>::New();




  • Functions and classes, or changes to them, are documented.
  • User guide/documentation is updated.
  • Changelog is updated.
  • Suitable tests added for new functionality.
  • Contributed code is correctly formatted. (See the contributing guidelines).
  • License added to any new files.
  • No extraneous files have been added (e.g. compiler output or test data files).


On the 19.07 the code formatting (code style) was standardised using clang-format, over the whole Nektar++ code. This means changes in your branch will conflict with formatting changes on the master branch. To resolve these conflicts , see #295 (closed)

Edited by Chris Cantwell

Merge request reports
