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Update FieldConvert usage/help text

Jeremy Cohen requested to merge jhc02/nektar:fix/issue149 into master

This MR updates the FieldConvert help text to address issue #149.

The original usage text stated Usage: FieldConvert [options] inputfile.ext1 outputfile.ext2. This has caught me out several times since if, for example, one wants to convert a checkpoint file mygeom_01.chk to a VTK file mygeom_01.vtu, this suggests that you should be able to run FieldConvert mygeom_01.chk mygeom_01.vtu if you don't want to provide any of the options listed in the output of FieldConvert -h. In fact this results in an error such as:

Fatal   : Level 0 assertion violation
OutputVtk can't write using only FieldData.
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type Nektar::ErrorUtil::NekError: Level 0 assertion violation
OutputVtk can't write using only FieldData.

...followed by a stack trace.

The revised code includes [inputfile.xml] as an additional file before inputfile.ext1. This has been wrapped in square brackets to denote it as an optional parameter - I'm assuming there are cases where this is not required. However, if it's always required, the brackets should be removed.

I've also updated the error message that is output on failure suggesting that the user may need to add an XML mesh file to their input files.

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