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Project velocity in body-fitted coordinate system

Ganlin requested to merge feature/filter_bodyFittedVelocity_new into master

Issue/feature addressed

Need natural transition prediction.

Proposed solution

Compute the body-fitted velocity component in order to get the TS/CF wave amplitude to generate n-factor for natural transition prediction.


  • 1 - A FieldConvert module bodyFittedVelocity to generate the body-fitted coordinate system and projected velocity component. The coordinate system is output.*
  • 2 - A filter BodyFittedVelocity is added to read the output body-fitted coordinate system and record point-wise maximum/minimum/original velocity component in the new coordinate system.*
  • 3 - By subtracting the maximum velocity field (perturbation-free) from the maximum velocity field (perturbed), a clean amplitude field is obtained. *
  • 4 - This amplitude field can be sampled to generate the amplification curve (n-factor).*


EmbededCylinder2D.tst, EmbededCylinder2D_mesh.xml, EmbededCylinder2D_session.xml, EmbededCylinder2D_bnd_inflow.bc, EmbededCylinder2D_bnd_outflow.bc, EmbededCylinder2D_restart_P2.fld, EmbededCylinder2D_bfc.fld

Suggested reviewers



Please add any other information that could be useful for reviewers.


  • Functions and classes, or changes to them, are documented.
  • User guide/documentation is updated.
  • Changelog is updated.
  • Suitable tests added for new functionality.
  • Contributed code is correctly formatted. (See the contributing guidelines).
  • License added to any new files.
  • No extraneous files have been added (e.g. compiler output or test data files).

Example and results

good_max_ptub_-max_noPtub_ good_profile

Edited by Chris Cantwell

Merge request reports