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James Edgeley requested to merge jedgeley/nektar:feature/NekMesh-Revolve into master

Issue/feature addressed

A NekMesh process module for taking a 2D mesh in the x-y plane and creating a 3D mesh of the volume of revolution around the y-axis. simple

Proposed solution

By analogy with the extrude module, the arguments are "layers" and "angle". By default the angle is a full revolution. Currently the faces that make up the revolution are not themselves curved but it would be good to add an option for this in the future.


The implementation largely follows that of the extrude module. New nodes are created at angular intervals from the initial 2D grid, except in the final layer, where the initial layer is used. If the revolution is not complete then composites are created for the exposed boundary faces.


Tested on tokamak poloidal sections

Suggested reviewers

Please suggest any people who would be appropriate to review your code.


Please add any other information that could be useful for reviewers.


  • Functions and classes, or changes to them, are documented.
  • User guide/documentation is updated.
  • Changelog is updated.
  • Suitable tests added for new functionality.
  • Contributed code is correctly formatted. (See the contributing guidelines).
  • License added to any new files.
  • No extraneous files have been added (e.g. compiler output or test data files).
Edited by James Edgeley

Merge request reports
