Add CUDA backend implementation for RobBndCond
Issue/feature addressed
The RobBndCond operator was re-factored as a general implementation RobBndCondImpl.hpp
. For the CUDA backend, this introduced repeated device/host and host/device copies. The same problem will occur with a Kokkos-CUDA backend.
Proposed solution
- Fully implement Serial Robin BC backend for legacy Nektar++
- Add CUDA back-end to avoid device/host and host/device copy.
- Add Kokkos back-end to avoid device/host and host/device copy.
- Fully update
, andHelmSolveImpl.hpp
to use Robin BCs.
- The FwdTrans and HelmSolve unit tests are updated to add a test case (
) with Robin boundary conditions
Note: Only the SerialStdMat and the CUDASumFac unit tests are currently activated
Suggested reviewers
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