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Fix for processing NodalTris and static condensation matrix

Issue/feature addressed

  • NodalTris: Nodal triangles not being written correctly by Helmholtz2D or read correctly by FieldConvert. #116 (closed)
  • Other issue: When generating StaticCond matrices, it first generates the FullMatrix. This is stored in the full matrix managers and never released. Consequently we use twice the amount of memory than needed when using StaticCond. #106 (closed)

Proposed solution

  • Call NodalToModal for writing out and ModalToNodal for reading in the fld file.
  • Call v_DropLocMatrix to release matrix once no longer needed.


Made NodalToModal accessible from ExpList.cpp by overriding virtual v_NodalToModal in StdNodalTriExp.


Suggested reviewers

@ssherw @CFD-Xing



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Edited by Ted Stokes

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