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Non-O BL meshing in 2D

Julian Marcon requested to merge jmarcon/nektar:feature/non-O-BL into master

This is the least intrusive way I have found to implement non-O BL meshing in 2D. I simply use the BL thickness in the appropriate end region of the CurveMesh instead of the delta given by the octree. Later, I override the second (to last) point with its exact location. Not s perfect as I would have liked but non-intrusive and it should work in virtually all cases. Effectively, what bothers me is that the second (to last) element will get shrunk/elongated when override the second (to last) point). The effect should be negligible when Ae in CurveMesh is large. Also, this code assumes that curves don't form a concave angle at the ends of a the BL. No check is implemented. Finally, this does not take advantage of the BL thickness angle correction factor.

Merge request reports
