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WIP: Fix/bnd elmt exp

Spencer Sherwin requested to merge fix/BndElmtExp into master

This MR fixes the the GetBndElmtExp is created every timestep in Extrapolate.cpp within the IncNavierStokesSolver. This was due to the local Expansion list being created every time CalcPressureBCs was called. In this version I have made a member function m_bndElmtExp which is an array of ExpLists so that they are only set up once. (Note there still seems an issue with this implementation since some regression tests are not passing)

in addition I have added a fix to CollectionOptimisaiton which was not setting the default implementation to that specified in the Xml session file since the best guess implementations were being set before the defaults were set and so only the default value was being reset and not the expansion specific order defaults. I have therefore added a clear map to allow just the default values to be specified for all operators and at all orders.

Merge request reports