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Tidy EquationSystem and solvers

Douglas Serson requested to merge feature/tidySolvers into master

This changes several things in the solvers and EquationsSystem/UnsteadySystem:

  • The check for steady state (using SteadyStateTol) is moved to UnsteadySystem, eliminating some code duplication in the solvers and allowing it to be used with any solver based on UnsteadySystem.
  • The CFL output from IO_CFLSteps is moved to AdvectionSystem, allowing it to also be used in the compressible solver.
  • Removes an old DG implementation that was in EquationSystem. For this, I had to update a couple of solvers which still used this, replacing it by the Advection class.
  • Removes a few other unused variables and functions from EquationSystem.
  • Changes how the CFL is calculated in the CFS. The previous implementation was wrong because the length scale is already accounted for when converting the velocity to the std element, and therefore was being included twice. There is however a problem in how to include the sound speed, since it needs to be added before converting to stdvelocity in order to be scaled correctly. I decided to add it in all directions, which I guess leads to a conservative estimate for the CFL.
Edited by Douglas Serson

Merge request reports