\chapter{Command-line Options}
Displays extra info.
Displays software version, and source control information if applicable.
Displays help information about the available command-line options for the executable.
\lstinline[style=BashInputStyle]{--parameter [key]=[value]}\\
Override a parameter (or define a new one) specified in the XML file.
\lstinline[style=BashInputStyle]{--solverinfo [key]=[value]}\\
Override a solverinfo (or define a new one) specified in the XML file.
\lstinline[style=BashInputStyle]{--npx [int]}\\
When using a fully-Fourier expansion, specifies the number of processes to use in the x-coordinate direction.
\lstinline[style=BashInputStyle]{--npy [int]}\\
\quad When using a fully-Fourier expansion or 3D expansion with two Fourier directions, specifies the number of processes to use in the y-coordinate direction.
\lstinline[style=BashInputStyle]{--npz [int]}\\
When using Fourier expansions, specifies the number of processes to use in the z-coordinate direction.
Prints detailed information about the generated partitioning, such as number of
elements, number of local degrees of freedom and the number of boundary degrees
of freedom.
\lstinline[style=BashInputStyle]{--part-only [int]}\\
Partition the mesh only into the specified number of partitions, write to file
and exit. This can be used to pre-partition a very large mesh on a single
high-memory node, prior to being executed on a multi-node cluster.
Forces the use of METIS for mesh partitioning. If \nekpp{} is compiled with
Scotch support, the default is to use Scotch.
Forces the use of Scotch for mesh partitioning.