Feature/cfs_non-dimensionalization setting
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- Ganlin Lyu authored
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Welcome to the tutorials of compressible flow solver. Before moving to the detailed settings, we are going to introduce the non-dimensionalization process in Nektar++. As we know that although the flows are various, the governing equations are universal (for general cases). The differences of the flows lie in the flow parameters, such as Reynolds number and etc. These parameters are obtained through the non-dimensionalization (or scaling).
The proper non-dimensionlization scales the flow variables to the order of 1, which will increase the accuracy of numerical operations. In addition, the flows are usually solved with stabilization technologies, where the parameters are already set for non-dimensionalized flows by default in Nektar++. In other words, the setting process will be eaiser if the flow is non-dimensionalized at first.
where $\rho$ is the density, $u$, $v$ and $w$ are the velocity conpinents in $x$, $y$ and $z$ directions, $p$ is the pressure, $E$ is the total energy per unit volume and $T$ is the temperature.In this work we considered the perfect gas law, for which the pressure is related to the total energy per unit volume, and the ideal gas law by the following expressions
The freestream values are often chosen as the reference values for non-dimensionalization.Let $L_{ref}$ be the reference length, $U_{\infty}$ be the reference velocity, $t_{ref} = L_{ref}/U_{\infty}$ be the reference time, $\rho_{\infty}$ be the reference density, $T_{\infty}$ be the reference temperature, $\mu_{ref}$ be the reference viscosity, and let the non-dimensionalized parameters denoted by bar, then we have
We noticed that the non-dimensionalized Navier-Stokes equations are different in form to the original ones due to the existance of $1/Re$ in front of the viscous terms. In Nektar++, to be able to compute the equations in both the original form and the non-dimensionalized form, $1/Re$ is absorted into the viscosity as $\bar{\bar{\mu}} = \bar{\mu}/Re$, which gives