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      <div id="mainContent">
        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Title" -->
        <h1>Compile Instructions</h1>
        <h2>Linux - GCC / kDevelop </h2>
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Hanieh Mirzaee's avatar
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            <h3 align="left">
                <a href="#Setting_up_GCC">Setting up GCC</a>
            <h3 align="left">
                <a href="#Organizing_the_ThirdParty_Source_Files">Organizing the ThirdParty Source Files</a>
                <a href="#Setting_up_BLAS">Setting up BLAS</a>
                <a href="#Generating_the_GCC_Makefiles_with_CMake">Generating the GCC Makefiles with CMake</a>
              <a href="#Compiling_the_Solvers_and_Utilities">
                <small>Compiling the Solvers and Utilities</small>
            <h3><a href="#Compiling_Regression_Tests"><small>Compiling the Regression Tests</small></a></h3>
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        <hr />
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        <h3 align="left">
          <a name ="Setting_up_GCC" ></a>Setting up GCC
        <p align="left">
          In order to compile Nektar++, you must have a newer version of GCC
          installed. GCC 4.1 and newer will work, but 4.2 or newer is
          recommended.  Below I will give instructions on how to check the GCC
          version number, and installing a new version if it is too old.
            At the terminal, type <div class="code"><pre>gcc -v</pre></div> If
            the last line says the version number is 4.1 or newer, skip to the
            next section; otherwise you may continue to read.
            You may either ask your system administrator to perform this
            upgrade for you (recommended), or install GCC in to your local
            account. If you choose the first option, wait for the new
            installation and then continue to the next section.
            First, go to <a href=""
            target="_blank"></a> and select a
            mirror. Download a 4.1 or later GCC release from the mirror you
            select (you probably want to select the newest version).
              Go to <a href=""
              target="_blank"></a> and follow the
              instructions to install GCC. It is too complicated and error
              prone to cover everything here. Install at least the C, C++, and
              Fortran compilers. Once &quot;gcc -v&quot; outputs a version
              later than 4.1, you can continue to the next section.

              The general setup instructions are as follows. However, there
              might be dependencies that need to be installed.
            <div class="code" align="left"><pre>tar -xvjf &lt;filename&gt;.tar.bz2 <br />cd &lt;new_gcc_directory&gt; <br />mkdir MyObj<br />cd MyObj <br />../configure --prefix=&lt;install_path&gt; <br/> --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran <br />make <br />make install </pre></div>            <p>
              Set your path:
                for (T)CSH Shells
                <div class="code"><pre>setenv PATH &lt;install_path&gt;:$PATH</pre></div>
                for BASH Shells
                <div class="code"><pre>export PATH=&lt;install_path&gt;:$PATH</pre></div>
              It may be useful to add this to your login script.

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Hanieh Mirzaee committed

        <h3 align="left">
          <a name="Organizing_the_ThirdParty_Source_Files"></a> Organizing the ThirdParty Source Files
        <p align="left">
          <em>Nektar++</em> requires additional software to function. Many of
          these libraries are included in a typical distribution and so not
          all the library sources provided in the <em>ThirdParty</em>
          directory may be needed. However, while unlikely, the version
          provided by your distribution may not be compatible with the current
          build of <em>Nektar++</em>. If you encounter problems, you should
          first link to those versions distributed in the ThirdParty
        <p align="left">
          You will be given a <em>Nektar++</em> directory and a
          <em>ThirdParty</em> directory (includes needed libraries from other
          sources). These need to be organized into the correct directory
          hierarchy for CMake to find all of the required files. I will
          indicate a directory by following its name with a forward slash.
            Unpack the <em>ThirdParty-3.x.x.tar.gz</em> file. Rename the
            resulting directory to <em>ThirdParty/</em> and put it in
            <em>Nektar++/</em>. (This will mean <em>library/</em> and
            <em>ThirdParty/</em> are both sub-directories of the original
              At the terminal in <em>ThirdParty/</em>, extract the
     archive with
            <div class="code"><pre>unzip</pre></div>
              This will create <em>tinyxml/</em>.
              Extract the loki-0.1.3.tar.bz2 archive with 
            <div class="code"><pre>tar -xjvf loki-0.1.3.tar.bz2</pre></div> 
              This will create <em>loki-0.1.3/</em>.
              CMake is an open-source, cross-platform make file generator
              system.  We will use it to generate the needed makefiles to
              compile Nektar++.  We require version 2.8 or greater.  To check
              your currently installed version, type the following at the
              command line:
            <div class="code"><pre>ccmake --version</pre></div>
              If you do not have CMake installed, or the version is too old,
              then you can build it from source. Note that the <em>ccmake</em>
              tool can only be built if the ncurses library is available on
              your system (commonly found in /lib on most distributions). If
              this is not available, the <em>cmake</em> tool can still be
              built, although its usage is somewhat more tedious.
                  In <em>ThirdParty/</em>, extract the cmake-2.8.0.tar.gz
                  archive with 
                <div class="code"><pre>tar -xzvf cmake-2.8.0.tar.gz </pre></div>
                  Change to the <em>cmake-2.8.0/</em> directory, and type 
                <div class="code"><pre>./configure </pre></div> 
                  After configuration is complete, type
                <div class="code"><pre>make </pre></div>
              In <em>ThirdParty/</em>, extract the zlib-1.2.3.tar.bz2 archive
            <div class="code"><pre>tar -xjvf zlib-1.2.3.tar.bz2</pre></div> 
              This will create <em>zlib-1.2.3/</em>.
            The next step is to compile bjam, which will allow for the
            building and installation of Boost.
                  In <em>ThirdParty/</em>, extract the boost-jam-3.1.17.tgz
                  archive with
                <div class="code"><pre>tar -xzvf boost-jam-3.1.17.tgz</pre></div>
                  This will create <em>boost-jam-3.1.17/</em>.
                  Change to the <em>boost-jam-3.1.17/</em> directory and type
                <div class="code"><pre>./ </pre></div> 
                  to build the bjam executable.
            Next, extract and compile the correct libraries for
                  In <em>ThirdParty/</em>, extract the boost_1_40_0.tar.bz2
                  archive with 
                <div class="code"><pre>tar -xjvf boost_1_40_0.tar.bz2</pre></div> 
                  This will create <em>boost_1_40_0/</em>.
                  You must set the ZLIB_SOURCE and NO_BZIP2 environment
                  variables in order to tell Boost to use zlib and not bzip2.
                    For Bash or KSH Shells type:
                    <div class="code"><pre>export ZLIB_SOURCE=../../../../zlib-1.2.3<br />export NO_BZIP2=0</pre></div>
                    For CSH or Tcsh Shells type:
                    <div class="code"><pre>setenv ZLIB_SOURCE ../../../../zlib-1.2.3 <br />setenv NO_BZIP2 0 </pre></div>
                  Change to the <em>boost_1_40_0/</em> directory, and type
                <div class="code"><pre>../boost-jam-3.1.17/bin.*/bjam --prefix=../boost --build-type=complete --with-thread --with-iostreams --with-test --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-system --layout=versioned --toolset=gcc install</pre></div>
                  This will place the compiled libraries and include files in
                  the correct path. Note that:
                    The &quot;--with-libraries&quot; option compiles Boost
                    with only the libraries required by Nektar++. This is just
                    meant to save time. You can leave the flag off and it will
                    compile all the libraries, if you wish.
                    A lengthy initial delay after you press enter is expected.
                  If you will be using Nektar++ as a component in an
                  application that requires shared libraries and you are using
                  a 64 bit Linux, you will need to compile the boost libraries
                  with the -fPIC flag.  To do this, add the following to the
                  command line in the previous step.
                <div class="code"><pre>cxxflags=-fPIC cflags=-fPIC linkflags=-fPIC</pre></div>
              <strong>Note:</strong> if Boost is provided with your
              distribution, it probably does not provide the
              <tt>libboost_zlib</tt> library since this is provided by
              <tt>libz.a</tt>. See the <em>Generating the GCC Makefiles with
              CMake</em> section for details on how to use this library
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Michael DeLisi committed
            The following step is to extract and compile the sparse matrix
            library developed by <em>NIST</em>. (For more information about
            this library, see <a
                  In <em>ThirdParty/</em>, extract the spblastk0.9b.tar.bz2
                  archive with 
                  <div class="code"><pre>tar -xjvf spblastk0.9b.tar.bz2</pre></div> 
                    This will create the directory <em>spblastk0.9b/</em>.
                Change to the directory <em>spblastk0.9b/build/</em>
                  Compile the library using the previously installed <em>CMake</em>:
                      Generate the makefiles using the command
                    <div class="code"><pre>cmake ../</pre></div>
                      or if you compiled a local copy of cmake
                    <div class="code"><pre>../../cmake-2.8.0/bin/cmake ../</pre></div> 
                    Build the library by typing
                    <div class="code"><pre>make install</pre></div>
Michael DeLisi's avatar
Michael DeLisi committed
              The next step is to extract and compile the graph partitioning
              package <em>METIS</em>. As we use a modified version of the
              standard METIS distribution, you are required to link against
              this version rather than the standard version possibly available
              on your system. (For more information about the original METIS
              library, see <a href=""
                  In <em>ThirdParty/</em>, extract the modmetis-4.0.tar.bz2
                  archive with
                <div class="code"><pre>tar -xjvf modmetis-4.0.tar.bz2</pre></div>
                  This will create the directory <em>modmetis-4.0/</em>.
                Change to the directory <em>modmetis-4.0/build/</em>
                  Compile the library using the previously installed
                      Generate the makefiles using the command 
                    <div class="code"><pre>cmake ../</pre></div> 
                      or if you compiled a local copy of cmake: 
                    <div class="code"><pre>../../cmake-2.8.0/bin/cmake ../</pre></div>
                      Build the library by typing 
                    <div class="code"><pre>make install</pre></div>
              In case you want to use the quasi-3D approach in combination
              with the FFT algorithm, you also need to compile the <a
              href="" target="_blank">FFTW library</a>. The
              use of the FFT algorithm is suggested in case of a large number
              of degrees of freedom in the homogeneous direction (10 or
              more). By default the FFTW routines are not in use, and you must
              compile the FFTW library and switch it on before building the
              Nektar++ library.
                  In <em>ThirdParty/</em>, extract the fftw-3.2.2.tar.gz
                  archive with 
                <div class="code"><pre>tar -xzvf fftw-3.2.2.tar.gz</pre></div> 
                  This will create the directory <em>fftw-3.2.2/</em>.
                Change to the directory <em>fftw-3.2.2/</em>
                  Run the automated configure script which will generate
                <div class="code"><pre>./configure --prefix=$PWD</pre></div>
                  Build and install the library by typing
                <div class="code"><pre>make install</pre></div> 
              If you wish to use the linear stability solvers, then <a
              href="">ARPACK</a> must
              be installed, which allows us to solve large-scale eigenvalue
              problems. By default the ARPACK routines are not in use, and you
              need to compile the ARPACK library and switch it on before you
              build the Nektar++ library.
              <strong>Note:</strong> ARPACK is included in all major
              distributions, and it is highly recommended to use a
              pre-packaged version rather than follow the instructions below
              for compilation. To compile ARPACK you will require the GNU
              Fortran compiler <tt>gfortran</tt>.
                  In <em>ThirdParty/</em>, extract the arpack96.tar.gz archive
                <div class="code"><pre>tar -xzvf arpack96.tar.gz</pre></div> 
                  This will create the directory <em>ARPACK/</em>.
                Change to the directory <em>ARPACK/</em>
                Edit the file <tt></tt>, and edit the following
                    <tt>home</tt>: enter the <strong>absolute</strong> path to
                    the <em>ARPACK/</em> directory.
                    <tt>ARPACKLIB</tt>: change to <tt>$(home)/libarpack.a</tt>
                    <tt>FC</tt>: change to <tt>gfortran</tt>
                    <tt>FFLAGS</tt>: change to <tt>-O</tt>
                    <tt>MAKE</tt>: if your <tt>make</tt> does not lie in
                    <tt>/bin</tt> (usually it is in <tt>/usr/bin</tt>), change
                    this accordingly.
                  On most distributions this configuration lead to a
                  successful compilation of ARPACK; however you may need to
                  alter additional parameters depending on your installation.
                  Compile ARPACK by running:
                <div class="code"><pre>make lib</pre></div> 
          <a name="Setting_up_BLAS"></a> Setting up BLAS
          Nektar++ makes extensive use of BLAS. If you do not have at least
          one of the following BLAS implementations installed, please contact
          your system administrator and ask them to do so.
	    <strong>System supplied.</strong> Most Linux distributions come
	    with blas and lapack, usually located in /usr/lib.
            <strong>AMD Core Math Library (ACML)</strong>
                This is a BLAS implementation that allows for optimal use of
                AMD Opteron processors.
                For GCC, you must use the GFORTRAN version of ACML since the
                other versions are for different Linux compilers.
                If you are using ACML 4.0 and GCC 4.2 or higher, then you must
                use the OpenMP version (it doesn't matter if you use shared or
                static libraries). This problem has been resolved in ACML
                URL: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
          <a name="Generating_the_GCC_Makefiles_with_CMake"></a> Generating the GCC Makefiles with CMake
          Now that all of the required libraries are setup in the correct
          paths, we can use CMake to generate the appropriate project files
          required by Nektar++.
            From the terminal, change to the directory
            <em>Nektar++/builds</em>. This is the directory where the Nektar++
            will be built.
            CMake can generate build areas for a variety of build systems,
            such as KDevelop, Eclipse, or CodeBlocks.  It can also generate
            Makefiles for use by make.  The instructions that follow assume
            that you are creating Makefiles.
                Enter the following to start CMake

                <div class="code"><pre>ccmake ../library/</pre></div>
                This command generates Makefiles.  If you wish to generate
                project files for different build platforms, add a command
                line flag -G with the build system you wish to use.  For
                example, to generate KDevelop project files, use the following
                command line:

                <div class="code"><pre>ccmake -G KDevelop3 ../library/</pre></div>
                A full listing of options can be found by entering the following:
                <div class="code"><pre>ccmake --help</pre></div>
                You will see a screen with the text "Empty Cache".  Press the
                'c' key to continue.
                  You will now see a collection of properties and values that
                  will control how Nektar++ is built.
		  <img src="images/CcmakeLinux.png" alt="CcmakeLinux" title="CcmakeLinux" />
            The following are some useful customization properties.  While
            most of these are optional, you set either the
            USE_SYSTEM_BLAS_LAPACK or USE_ACML properties before
                <strong>CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE</strong> <br /> This option sets the
                appropriate GCC flags for the different build types: Debug,
                Release, etc. For this tutorial, I'll choose Release, in order
                to get full optimizations.
                <strong>EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH</strong><br /> This is the path
                GCC will put the generated executable files - it can be
                anywhere you wish.
                <strong>USE_SYSTEM_BLAS_LAPACK</strong><br /> Set this value
                to <em><strong>ON</strong></em> if you are using the system
                provided blas and lapack libraries.
                <strong>USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB</strong><br /> Set this value to
                <em><strong>ON</strong></em> if you are using a version of
                Boost supplied with your distribution which does not provide
                the <tt>libboost_zlib</tt> library. This will link to the
                <tt>libz</tt> library instead, which is provided on most
                <strong>USE_ACML</strong><br /> Set this value to
                <strong>ON</strong> if you wish to use the AMD ACML library
                for BLAS and LAPACK support.
                <strong>NEKTAR_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS</strong><br /> Set to
                <strong>ON</strong> to build the unit tests.  The unit tests
                are executables that can be run after building Nektar++ to
                verify the code compiled correctly and is executing basic
                functionality correctly.
            At the end of all the questions, you might be prompted for the
            path to the BLAS and LAPACK libraries from the package you
            installed, if CMake couldn't find them in the default search
            paths. Therefore, it might be useful to have this information
            Note if the variable is asking for a library path (path to a *.so
            file), or a directory path. Don't enter a directory path if it is
            expecting a library.
            If you make any changes to the property values, you will need to
            press the 'c' key to apply those changes.  Once you have made all
            of the changes you need, press the 'c' key repeatedly until the
            option "Press [g] to generate and exit" appears.  Press the 'g'
            key to generate your project files.
          <a name="Compiling_the_library"></a> Compiling the library
          Now that CMake has generated the appropriate project files you can
          build Nektar++.  If you generated Makefiles:
              To compile the project, simply type 
            <div class="code"><pre>make</pre></div>
              from the project directory (i.e. <em>Nektar++/builds/</em>).
                  If you have multiple processors/cores, it might be
                  beneficial to use
                <div class="code"><pre>make -j &lt;num_procs/cores&gt</pre></div>
                  The &quot;-j&quot; options starts that many jobs, so all of
                  the processors will be utilized, and it will compile faster
            <div class="code"><pre>make install</pre></div>
              to put all of the compiled libraries into a dist directory that
              can then be used by the solvers and utilities.
            The executable files will be located in the path you specified in
            the CMake utility.
          If you generated project files for another build system, open the
          project files in that system and build the Install project.
          <a name="Compiling_the_Solvers_and_Utilities"></a>Compiling the Solvers and Utilities
          To compile the solvers and the utilities you first need to have
          compiled the library and typed "make install" to place all of the
          Nektar++ and ThirdParty libraries into the dist directory under the
          library builds directory (i.e. <em>Nektar++/Builds/dist</em>)
          Once again we use CMake to generate the Makefiles that GCC requires,
          or the project files that KDevelop requires.
              From the terminal, change to the build directory of the solvers,
              i.e. <em>Nektar++/solvers/builds</em> and run ccmake using
              <em>Nektar++/solvers</em> as the source directory.
            <div class="code"><pre>ccmake ../</pre></div>
              Generate the project files in the same way you generated them
              for the library and run
            <div class="code"><pre>make install</pre></div>
	      to compile the solvers and install them in the
	      <em>Nektar++/solvers/builds/dist</em> directory.
              From the terminal, change to the build directory of the
              utilities, i.e. <em>Nektar++/utilities/builds</em> and run
              ccmake using <em>Nektar++/utilities</em> as the source
            <div class="code"><pre>ccmake ../</pre></div>
	      Generate the project files in the same way you generated them
	      for the library and run
            <div class="code"><pre>make install</pre></div>
              to compile the utilities and install them in the
              <em>Nektar++/utilities/builds/dist</em> directory.
          <a name="Compiling_Regression_Tests"></a>Compiling the Regression Tests
          To compile the regression tests you first need to have compiled the
          Nektar++ library and solvers. Once again, we use CMake to generate
          the Makefiles that GCC requires.
Hanieh Mirzaee's avatar
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              From the terminal, change to the build directory of the
              regressionTests, i.e. <em>Nektar++/regressionTests/builds</em>
              and run ccmake using <em>Nektar++/regressionTests</em> as the
              source directory.
            <div class="code"><pre>ccmake ../</pre></div>
              Generate the project files in the same way you generated the
              project files for Nektar++.
	      Generate the project files in the same way you generated them
	      for the library and run
            <div class="code"><pre>make install</pre></div>
              to compile the utilities and install them in the
              <em>Nektar++/utilities/builds/dist</em> directory.
        <strong>Note:</strong> If you are modifying the regression tests by
        adding or removing tests you can generate a new master ".ok" file by
        answering <strong>Yes</strong> to the <em> "Would you like to see
        advanced options?"</em> in step 1 and setting the variable
        <em>REGRESSION_MAKE_OK_FILES_EXEC</em> to <em>ON</em>. This will, for
        example, generate the executable <em>StdRegionsDemoMakeOKFile</em>
        which when executed will execute a series of demos and make the
        updated .ok files.

          The entire Nektar++ package should now have been succesfully
          compiled. Instructions on how to use Nektar++ are described on the
          <a href="usage.html" id="menu_Usage">usage</a> page.
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          <br class="clearfloat" />
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