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Dave Moxey authored


This repository contains the NekPy Python wrappers for the Nektar++ spectral/hp element framework. As a disclaimer, thhese wrappings are experimental and incomplete. You should not rely on their current structure and API remaining unchanged.

Currently, representative classes from the LibUtilities, StdRegions, SpatialDomains and LocalRegions libraries have been wrapped in order to show the proof-of-concept.

Features and functionality

NekPy uses the Boost.Python library to provide a set of high-quality, hand-written Python bindings for selected functions and classes in Nektar++. A typical snippet could look something like:

from NekPy.LibUtilities import PointsKey, PointsType, BasisKey, BasisType
from NekPy.StdRegions import StdQuadExp
import numpy as np
numModes = 8
numPts   = 9
ptsKey   = PointsKey(numPts, PointsType.GaussLobattoLegendre)
basisKey = BasisKey(BasisType.Modified_A, numModes, ptsKey)
quadExp  = StdQuadExp(basisKey, basisKey)
x, y     = quadExp.GetCoords()
fx       = np.sin(x) * np.cos(y)
proj     = quadExp.FwdTrans(fx)

NekPy uses the Boost.NumPy library, contained in Boost 1.63+, to automatically convert C++ Array<OneD, > objects to and from the commonly-used numpy.ndarray object, which makes the integration more seamless between Python and C++.

How do I wrap things?

Boost.Python is a pretty comprehensive package and an extended discussion is really beyond the scope of this project. See doc/ for some basic concepts and frequently-encountered issues.


NekPy has the following list of requirements:

  • Boost with Python support
  • Nektar++ master branch compiled from source (i.e. not from packages)
  • Python 2.7+ (note that examples rely on Python 2.7)
  • NumPy

Most of these can be installed using package managers on various operating systems, as we describe below. We also have a requirement on the Boost.NumPy package, which is available in boost 1.63 or later. If this isn't found on your system, it will be automatically downloaded and compiled.

Compiling and installing Nektar++

Nektar++ should be compiled as per the user guide instructions and installed into a directory which we will refer to as $NEKDIR. By default this is the dist directory inside the Nektar++ build directory.

Note that Nektar++ must, at a minimum, be compiled with NEKTAR_BUILD_LIBRARY, NEKTAR_BUILD_UTILITIES and NEKTAR_BUILD_SOLVERS. Note that all solvers may be disabled as long as the NEKTAR_BUILD_SOLVERS option is set.



Users of Homebrew should make sure their installation is up-to-date with brew upgrade. Then run

brew install python boost-python

To install the NumPy package, use the pip package manager:

pip install numpy


Users of MacPorts should sure their installation is up-to-date with sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade outdated. Then run

sudo port install python27 py27-numpy
sudo port select --set python python27

Compiling the wrappers

Clone and compile the wrappers as follows:

git clone
cd nektar-python && mkdir builds && cd builds
cmake -DNektar++_DIR=$NEKDIR/lib/nektar++-4.5.0/cmake ..
make install

This will automatically download and install Boost.NumPy if required.

Linux: Ubuntu/Debian

Users of Debian and Ubuntu Linux systems should sure their installation is up-to-date with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev python-numpy

Using the bindings

By default, the bindings will install into the dist directory, along with a number of examples that are stored in the example directory. To test your installation, you can for example run one of these (e.g. python or launch an interactive session:

$ cd builds
$ python
Python 2.7.13 (default, Apr  4 2017, 08:47:57) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.38)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from NekPy.LibUtilities import PointsKey, PointsType
>>> PointsKey(10, PointsType.GaussLobattoLegendre)
<NekPy.LibUtilities._LibUtilities.PointsKey object at 0x11005c310>


A number of examples of the wrappers can be found in the dist directory, along with a sample mesh newsquare_2x2.xml:

  • is the simplest example and shows how to construct a session reader object. Run it as python mesh.xml.
  • shows functionality of basic LibUtilities points and basis classes. Run this as python
  • shows how to use some of the StdRegions wrappers and duplicates the functionality of using the StdExpansion class. Run this as python
  • loads a mesh and prints out some basic properties of its quadrilateral elements. Run it as python newsquare_2x2.xml.

If you want to modify the source files, it's advisable to edit them in the examples directory and re-run make install, otherwise local changes will be overwritten by the next make install.