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########## Robin Spooner 					###########
########## 24/9/2012						###########
########## Boost Python wrapper build instructions 		###########

The files contained in this folder contain wrappers for the classes: 

These are all contained in the file "NekPy_ext.cpp". To build these wrappers into an importable module for Python. Also included in the "build" directory the Python version of XmlToVtk is also provided under "". 

To run, a similar call is used to C++ but with the added Python call. E.g. ::

python newsquare_2x2.xml

(This Xml is also found in the "build" directory as an example.)

The prerequisites needed to run these are:: 

Nektar++ (SVN version used) 
Boost Python (From Boost 1.50.0 libraries)
Python 2.7 (Might run on earlier versions but haven't tried)


To build the Python module: 
[1] The file containing the wrappers must be placed in "src" directory 
[2] Adapt the CmakeList.txt file to include the relevant Boost Python and Nektar++ linking for your system. There are 2 lines which MUST be altered and these are marked in this file. 
[3] Navigate into the "build" directory and build using the usual Cmake commands, e.g.:
		cmake .. 
[4] This will now create a shared library "" in the build folder. This can now be imported into a Python environment as usual. E.g. "import NekPy". 


Also included in "store" directory are files containing the individual classes. These should be the same as the ones included in the main "NekPy_ext.cpp" file.