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Feature/cfs bc enforce values

Ganlin requested to merge feature/cfs_BC_enforceValues into master

Issue/feature addressed

In subsonic compressible flows, it is not easy to enforce desired quantities at the boundaries, particularily at the inflow. Examples for the quantities are velocity/angle of attack for a turbine blade, pressure distribution for a airfoil(2D/3D).

Proposed solution

Implemented three subsonic inflow conditions for subsonic cfs solver. When with a supersonic inflow conditions all of the quantities from the upstream will automatically be enforced.


  • Add three subsonic inflow conditions enforcing two quaitities in the normal direction to the boundary: Entropy-pressure (RhoP), Entropy-total enthalpy (SH), Entropy-normal velocity (SU).*



The mathemathcal deductions for these conditions will be included in Ganlin's final PhD thesis.


  • Change the keys (EnforceRhoP, EnforceSU, EnforceSH -> EnforceEntropyPressure, etc.???)
  • Change the default outflow condition to be the standard invariant compatible format (directly enforce the ghost state value to be the specified ones) (in case it becomes an outflow)
  • Remove comments
  • Add tests


  • Functions and classes, or changes to them, are documented.
  • User guide/documentation is updated.
  • Changelog is updated.
  • Suitable tests added for new functionality.
  • Contributed code is correctly formatted. (See the contributing guidelines).
  • License added to any new files.
  • No extraneous files have been added (e.g. compiler output or test data files).


On the 19.07 the code formatting (code style) was standardised using clang-format, over the whole Nektar++ code. This means changes in your branch will conflict with formatting changes on the master branch. To resolve these conflicts , see #295 (closed)

Edited by Jacques Xing

Merge request reports
