Adjust command-line arguments to use '-' consistently instead of no spaces or camelCase
Issue/feature addressed
This MR adjusts command-line arguments to use '-' consistently instead of no spaces or camelCase.
Proposed solution
This is done in a manner that enables the new command line arguments, e.g. --forceoutput
becomes --force-output
, but prints a warning that the command line argument is deprecated (that could be turned into an error in future releases).
Since we use boost::program_options
, the general idea is to define a map of deprecated options, e.g.
// Deprecated options: introduced in 5.4.0 to homogenise command-line
// options to use '-' instead of camelCase or no spaces.
std::map<std::string, std::string> deprecated = {
{"forceoutput", "force-output"},
{"noequispaced", "no-equispaced"},
{"useSessionVariables", "use-session-variables"},
{"useSessionExpansion", "use-session-expansion"}
which populates options in the po::options_description
po::options_description dep;
for (auto &d : deprecated)
std::string description = "Deprecated: use --" + d.second;
dep.add_options()(d.first.c_str(), description.c_str());
After parsing we set the new options in the po::variables_map
// Deal with deprecated options.
for (auto &d : deprecated)
if (vm.count(d.first))
std::cerr << "WARNING: --" << d.first << " deprecated: use --"
<< d.second << std::endl;
vm.emplace(d.second, po::variable_value(vm[d.first]));
Code and tests have been adjusted to use the new options.
Suggested reviewers
Please add any other information that could be useful for reviewers.
Functions and classes, or changes to them, are documented. -
User guide/documentation is updated. -
Changelog is updated. -
Suitable tests added for new functionality. -
Contributed code is correctly formatted. (See the contributing guidelines). -
License added to any new files. -
No extraneous files have been added (e.g. compiler output or test data files).