NekMesh unit tests
Issue/feature addressed
NekMesh was void of any form of unit testing.
Proposed solution
Using the existing boost testing framework to add unit tests to NekMesh and provide a few examples to build on.
Following the existing unit testing for other parts of Nektar++, a NekMesh directory was added to library/UnitTests and an example test was provided.
The first example test is the constructor for a Tetrahedron. More to follow.
Suggested reviewers
This is only the start of building up unit testing in NekMesh so the tests are still few and far between.
Functions and classes, or changes to them, are documented. -
User guide/documentation is updated. -
Changelog is updated. -
Suitable tests added for new functionality. -
Contributed code is correctly formatted. (See the contributing guidelines). -
License added to any new files. -
No extraneous files have been added (e.g. compiler output or test data files).
Edited by Mashy Green