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Add range input xml module option and depracate previous usage.

Spencer Sherwin requested to merge feature/InputXml_RangeOpt into master

Issue/feature addressed

The command line "range,-r" option in FieldConvert essentially setup an option in the input Xml file. There was also a python interface for this option called "domain" which was passed as part of the Field Class initialisation. To make this more consistent it is better to have an option to the InputXml module within the library FieldUtils.

Proposed solution

Set up a option in InputXml.cpp using the functionality provided by m_config. Revert the domain usage in the python interface which was inconsistent in name and probably not widely used. Put in a warning when the command line "range,-r" option is used.


As described above.


Updated the python tests to call through the inputXml new option. Updated the FieldConvert tests also to use the InputXml new option but have left on test using the -r command line interface.


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  • [ ] License added to any new files.
  • No extraneous files have been added (e.g. compiler output or test data files).
Edited by Spencer Sherwin

Merge request reports