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Add SYCL backend for MultiplyByElmtInvMass using oneMKL

Issue/feature addressed

Add a SYCL backend for the MultiplyByElmtInvMass operator based using the SYCL MKL library. Implementation is identical to the CUDA backend.

Proposed solution


The #include "oneapi/mkl.hpp" is included in a separate OneMKL.cpp file and linked using a OneMKL.hpp header file to avoid collision with the existing blas library.

Remark: There is a strong potential to have an unified DeviceStdMat implementation for CUDA and SYCL (and potentially Kokkos) backend.


Suggested reviewers

@jreed Just keeping you in the loop.


Operator working on typhoon using serial SYCL backend. Not working on GPU as the MKL library installed on typhoon is probably not compiled with provision for CUDA device. So, implementation is currently not tested with the CUDA SYCL backend.


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Edited by Jacques Xing

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