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Feature/cardiac benchmark

Chris Cantwell requested to merge feature/cardiac-benchmark into master

This MR adds features for completing the cardiac electrophysiology benchmark problems and support to handle using a pre-partitioned mesh to avoid excessive memory requirements on the root node. Specifically, it adds the following features:

  • Allow the mesh to be partitioned and then the solver exits (new option --part-only).
  • Support in the mesh partitioner to split mesh into a specific number of partitions rather than being fixed at the size of the row communicator (i.e. a serial process can now be used to pre-partition the mesh).
  • Allow a simulation to be started from the pre-partitioned *_xml file.
  • Added a ThresholdMin filter to complement the ThresholdMax filter.
  • Added a Benchmark filter in the Cardiac solver for outputting the activation and repolarisation times for comparing with established benchmark problems.

Merge request reports