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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • advection_operator
  • bwd_trans_matfree
  • conj_grad_operator
  • dynamic-polymorphism-single-factory
  • execution-model
  • feature/IProductWRTBaseSumFacProfiling
  • feature/profile_operators
  • feature/tmp_attempt
  • field-reshape
  • fix-tests-macos
  • fix/reorganise-files
  • further-cmake
  • link-to-nektar
  • master default protected
  • memory-restructure
  • memory-restructure-kokkos
  • D1.2
  • D1.1
18 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.025Jan2423222120191817161518Dec1387130Nov161372131Oct242317131110954326Sep19181513126528Aug20158127Jul2625211918125427Jun2625211918168652130May2827262523171612983229Apr282722211911108718Mar151410814Feb2128Jan2621Dec7Nov13OctMerge branch 'conjgrad-cuda' into 'master'Implement ConjGrad, FwdTrans, and HelmSove operator for CUDAmergeadd MPI functionalityForced debug executable to get more infofeature/profile…feature/profile_operatorsAdded logic for printing the timings from other regions inside the codeClean-up code from comments for easy readingAdded timers inside the Tet KernelAdded printing statements inside the operator1D, operator2D and operator3D implementations to see which instance is called the optimized one, or the generic oneremove unsed CMake instruction for main and helmholtz2DMerge branch 'IProductWRTBaseSumFacSimplex' into 'master'Implemented IProductWRTBaseSumFac for simplexesCode clean upCleaning up codesRemoved main.cppMerge branch 'master' into IProductWRTBaseSumFacSimplexAdd header files and fix template parameter conflictMerge branch 'master' into feature/profile_operatorsfix typoMerge branch 'fix-cmake-file' into 'master'Fix CMake file to solve compilation error when CUDA is disableMerge branch 'master' into IProductWRTBaseSumFacSimplexMerge branch 'add-cuda-math-kernel' into 'master'Implement various vector math operators on CUDAMerge branch 'fix-cuda-memory-leak' into 'master'Fix various CUDA memory leaksMerge branch 'tidy-assmbscatr' into 'master'Merge branch 'tidy-mass-matrix-cuda' into 'master'Merge branch 'specifiy-memoryregioncuda-template-parameter' into 'master'Tidy-up AssmbScatr operators implementationSome tidy-up for the Mass and Matrix operatorsSpecify MemoryRegionCUDA template parameter in test to avoid back storage warning message when using CUDAMerge branch 'simplify-identity-operator' into 'master'Simplify Identity operator implementationMerge branch 'neubndcond-cuda' into 'master'Implement NeuBndCond operator for CUDAMerge branch 'diagprecond-cuda' into 'master'Implement DiagPrecon operator for CUDAMerge branch 'fix/back-storage' into 'master'Fix Field member function to avoid back storage warning message when using CUDA