How to install redesign-prototye
Build Nektar++ e.g. on current master
- See under Nektar++ repository
- For development, the
option is recommended - Note that the SIMD options have to be turned off, if you want to use CUDA support (Should be by default).
Build Nektar++ redesign-prototype
In main directory of the redesign, create a build
directory cd
into it, configure and build via:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DNektar++_DIR=~/code/nektarMaster/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
If boost is not available on system, build boost (e.g. v1.71.1)
- One option is via the Ubuntu package manager
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
- Another option is to download boost and install it manually
After installing boost, run again:
cmake ../ -DNektar++_DIR=~/code/nektarMaster/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
When the installation was successful, check it via tests:
ctest --output-on-failure
Build Nektar++ redesign-prototype with CUDA
To build the redesign project with CUDA:
- The CUDA option must be turned on
- The SIMD option must be turned off
This can be obtained by using the following command
cmake ../ -DNektar++_DIR=~/code/nektarMaster/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DNEKTAR_USE_CUDA=ON -DNEKTAR_USE_SIMD=OFF -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=86
parameter must be set to the appropriate compute capability of the GPU. On Linux, the compute capbability can be obtained by using the following command
nvidia-smi --query-gpu=compute_cap --format=csv
Here is a list of CUDA compute capability:
- 6.0 ->
- 6.1 ->
- 6.2 ->
- 7.0 ->
- 7.2 ->
- 7.5 ->
- 8.0 ->
- 8.6 ->
- 8.7 ->
- 8.9 ->
- 9.0 ->