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\title{Helmholtz Solver}
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\huge{Nektar++ Tutorial}
Welcome to the tutorial on solving the Helmholtz problem using the
Advection-Diffusion-Reaction (ADR) Solver in the \nektar framework.
This tutorial is aimed to show the main features of the ADR solver in
a simple manner. If you have not already downloaded and installed
\nektar, please do so by
visiting \href{}{}, where you can
also find the
\href{}{User-Guide} with the
instructions to install the library.
This tutorial requires:
\item \nektar ADRSolver and pre- and post-processing tools,
\item the open-source mesh generator \href{}{Gmsh},
\item the visualisation tool \href{}{\underline{Paraview}}
or \href{}{\underline{VisIt}}
After the completion of this tutorial, you will be familiar with:
\item the generation of a simple mesh in Gmsh and its conversion into a \nektar-compatible format;
\item the visualisation of the mesh in Paraview or VisIt
\item the setup of the initial and boundary conditions, the parameters and the solver settings;
\item running a simulation with the ADR solver; and
\item the post-processing of the data for a convergence plot and the visualisation of the results in Paraview or VisIt.
Prepare for the tutorial. Make sure that you have:
\item Installed and tested \nektar v\nekver from a binary package, or compiled it from
source. By default binary packages will install all executables in
\inlsh{/usr/bin}. If you compile from source they will be in the
sub-directory \inlsh{dist/bin} of the \inlsh{build} directory you
created in the \nektar source tree. We will refer to the directory
containing the executables as \inlsh{\$NEK} for the remainder of the
\item Downloaded the tutorial files:
Unpack it using \inlsh{tar -xzvf basics-helmholtz.tar.gz} to produce
a directory \inlsh{basics-helmholtz} with subdirectories
called \inlsh{tutorial} and \inlsh{complete}.
We will refer to the \inlsh{tutorial} directory as \inlsh{\$NEKTUTORIAL}.
The tutorial folder contains:
\item a Gmsh file to generate the mesh, \inlsh{Helm\_mesh.geo};
\item a .msh file containing the mesh in Gmsh format, \inlsh{Helm\_mesh.msh};
Additionally, you should also install
\item a visualization package capable of reading VTK files, such as ParaView
(which can be downloaded from
\href{}{\underline{here}}) or VisIt
(downloaded from
Alternatively, you can generate Tecplot formatted .dat files for use with
%\item a plotting program capable of reading data from ASCII text files, such
%as GNUPlot or MATLAB.
The ADR solver can solve various problems, including the unsteady
advection, unsteady diffusion, unsteady advection diffusion equation,
etc. For a more detailed description of this solver, please refer to
the \href{}{User-Guide}.
In this tutorial we focus on the Helmholtz equation
\nabla^2 u - \lambda u = f,
where $u$ is the independent variable. The Helmholtz equation
can be solved in one, two and three spatial dimensions. We will here
consider a two-dimensional problem.
\section{Problem description}
The problem we want to solve consists of known boundary conditions and
forcing function which depend on $x$ and $y$. To model this problem we
create a computational domain also referred to as mesh or grid (see
section \ref{helm-pre}) on which we apply the following two-dimensional
function with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions.
\nabla^2 u - \lambda u = -(2\pi^2 + \lambda) \cos(\pi x) \cos(\pi y) ,\\[1em]
u(x,y) = \cos(\pi x) \cos(\pi y),\\[1em]
u(x_{b} = \pm 1,y_{b}) = \cos(\pi x_{b}) \cos(\pi y_b),\\[1em]
\dfrac{\partial }{dn} u(x_{b},y_{b} = \pm 1) = \pm \dfrac{\partial }{dy} u(x_{b},y_{b} = \pm 1) = \mp \pi \left [\cos(\pi x_{b}) \sin(\pi y_b) \right ]
where $x_{b}$ and $y_{b}$ represent the boundaries of the
computational domain (see section \ref{helm-configuring}) and
$\lambda$ is a positive constant.
We will set the boundary conditions and forcing function for this
solver (see section \ref{helm-configuring}) then, after running the
solver (see section \ref{helm-running}) we will post-process the data in
order to visualise the results (see section \ref{helm-post}).
The pre-processing step consists of generating the mesh in a \nektar
compatible format. To do this we can use the open-source
mesh generator Gmsh to first define the geometry, which in our case is
a square mesh. The resulting mesh is shown in Fig. \ref{f:gmsh}. The mesh
file format (.msh) generated by Gmsh is not directly compatible with the
\nektar solvers and, therefore, it needs to be converted.
\caption{Mesh generated by Gmsh.}
To do so, we need to run the \nektar pre-processing routine
called \inltt{NekMesh}. This routine requires two
command-line arguments: the mesh file generated by
Gmsh, \inlsh{Helm\_mesh.msh}; and the name of the \nektar-compatible
mesh file that \inltt{NekMesh} will generate, for
instance \inlsh{Helm\_mesh.xml}.
Convert the .msh file into a Nektar++ input from within the
\inlsh{\$NEKTUTORIAL} directory by calling
\tutorialcommand{\$NEK/NekMesh Helm\_mesh.msh Helm\_mesh.xml}
\tutorialcommand{\$NEK/NekMesh Helm\_mesh.msh Helm\_mesh.xml:xml:uncompress}
Note that by default the information is stored in XML blocks of
compressed data to reduce the size of large meshes. The second command
above tells the converter \inltt{NekMesh} to write the file out in
uncompressed ASCII format. The generated .xml mesh file is shown below
and can also be found in the \inlsh{completed} directory. It contains
5 tags encapsulated within the \inltt{GEOMETRY} tag, which describes
the mesh. The first tag, \inltt{VERTEX}, contains the spatial
coordinates of the vertices of the various elements of the mesh. The
second tag, \inltt{EDGE} contains the lines connecting the vertices.
The third tag, \inltt{ELEMENT}, defines the elements (note that in
this case we have both triangular - e.g. \inltt{<T ID="0">} - as well
as quadrilateral - e.g. \inltt{<Q ID="85">} - elements). The fourth
tag, \inltt{COMPOSITE}, describes the physical regions of the
mesh and each composite may contain only one type of mesh entity. There are
three composites composed of triangular or quadrilateral elements
which represent the solution sub-domains where we want to solve the linear
advection problem. We will use these composites to define expansion bases on
each sub-domain in section \ref{helm-configuring}. The composites
formed by edges are the boundaries of the domain where we will prescribe
suitable boundary conditions in section \ref{helm-configuring}.
Finally, the fifth
tag, \inltt{DOMAIN}, formally specifies the overall solution domain as
the union of the three element composites. For additional details on
the \inltt{GEOMETRY} specification refer to
the \href{}{User-Guide}.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<V ID="0">2.00000000e-01 -1.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00</V>
<V ID="1">5.09667784e-01 -6.15240515e-01 0.00000000e+00</V>
<V ID="68">-1.00000000e+00 1.25000000e-01 0.00000000e+00</V>
<E ID="0"> 0 1 </E>
<E ID="1"> 1 2 </E>
<E ID="153"> 40 68 </E>
<T ID="0"> 0 1 2 </T>
<T ID="1"> 3 4 5 </T>
<Q ID="85"> 146 93 153 151 </Q>
<C ID="1"> T[0-30] </C>
<C ID="2"> Q[62-85] </C>
<C ID="3"> T[31-61] </C>
<C ID="100"> E[46,12,20,10,45] </C>
<C ID="200"> E[50,32,108,111,114,117,87,103] </C>
<C ID="300"> E[100,64,74,66,99] </C>
<C ID="400"> E[49,33,148,150,152-153,86,104] </C>
<DOMAIN> C[1,2,3] </DOMAIN>
After generating the mesh file in the \nektar-compatible
format, \inlsh{Helm\_mesh.xml}, we can visualise the mesh. This
step can be done by using the following \nektar built-in
post-processing routine:
\begin{tutorialtask} Convert the .xml file into a .vtu format within the
\inlsh{\$NEKTUTORIAL} directory by calling
\tutorialcommand{\$NEK/FieldConvert Helm\_mesh.xml Helm\_mesh.vtu}
Alternatively a tecplot .dat file can be created by changing the extension of the second file, i.e.
\tutorialcommand{\$NEK/FieldConvert Helm\_mesh.xml Helm\_mesh.dat}
This will produce a \inlsh{Helm\_mesh.vtu} file which can be directly
read by the open-source visualisation tool called Paraview or VisIt. In
Fig. \ref{f:Mesh} we show the mesh distribution for the mesh
considered in this tutorial, \inlsh{Helm\_mesh.xml}.
\caption{Mesh distribution with local polynomial subdivision}
We can now configure the conditions: initial conditions,
boundary conditions, parameters and solver settings.
\section{Configuring the expansion bases and the conditions}
To set the various parameters, the solver settings and the initial and
boundary conditions needed, we create a new file
called \inltt{Helm\_conditions.xml}, which can be found within the
\inlsh{completed} directory for this tutorial. This new file contains
the \inltt{CONDITIONS} tag where we can specify the parameters of the
simulations, the solver settings, the initial conditions, the boundary
conditions and the exact solution and contains the \inltt{EXPANSIONS}
tag where we can specify the polynomial order to be used inside each
element of the mesh, the type of expansion bases and the type of
We begin to describe the \inltt{Helm\_conditions.xml} file from
the \inltt{CONDITIONS} tag, and in particular from the boundary
conditions, initial conditions and exact solution sections:
<V ID="0"> u </V>
<B ID="0"> C[100] </B>
<B ID="1"> C[200] </B>
<B ID="2"> C[300] </B>
<B ID="3"> C[400] </B>
<N VAR="u" VALUE="-PI*cos(PI*x)*sin(PI*y)" />
<D VAR="u" VALUE="cos(PI*x)*cos(PI*y)" />
<N VAR="u" VALUE="PI*cos(PI*x)*sin(PI*y)" />
<D VAR="u" VALUE="cos(PI*x)*cos(PI*y)" />
<E VAR="u" VALUE="-(Lambda + 2*PI*PI)*cos(PI*x)*cos(PI*y)" />
<FUNCTION NAME="ExactSolution">
<E VAR="u" VALUE="cos(PI*x)*cos(PI*y)" />
In the above piece of \inltt{.xml}, we first need to specify the
non-optional tag called \inltt{VARIABLES} that sets the solution
variable (in this case $u$).
The second tag that needs to be specified is \inltt{BOUNDARYREGIONS}
through which the user can specify the regions where to apply the
boundary conditions. For instance, \inltt{<B ID="0"> C[100] </B>}
indicates that composite 100 (which has been introduced in
section \ref{helm-pre}) has a \textbf{boundary ID} equal to 0. This
boundary ID is successively used to prescribe the boundary conditions.
The third tag is \inltt{BOUNDARYCONDITIONS} by which the boundary
conditions are actually specified for each \textbf{boundary ID}
specified in the \inltt{BOUNDARYREGIONS} tag. The syntax \inltt{<D
VAR="u"} corresponds to a \inltt{D}irichlet boundary condition for the
variable \inltt{u}, while \inltt{<N VAR="u"} corresponds
to \inltt{N}eumann boundary conditions. For additional details on the
various options possible in terms of boundary conditions refer to
the \href{}{User-Guide}.
Finally, \inltt{<FUNCTION NAME="Forcing">} allows the
specification of the Forcing function and
\inltt{<FUNCTION NAME="ExactSolution">} permits us to provide the
exact solution, against which the L$_{2}$ and L$_{\infty}$ errors are
After having configured the \inltt{VARIABLES} tag, the boundary
conditions, the forcing function and the exact solution we can
complete the tag \inltt{CONDITIONS} prescribing the parameters
necessary (\inltt{PARAMETERS})and the solver settings
<P> Lambda = 2.5 </P>
<I PROPERTY="Projection" VALUE="Continuous" />
In the \inltt{PARAMETERS} tag, \inltt{Lambda} is the Helmholtz
constant $\lambda$.
In the \inltt{SOLVERINFO} tag, \inltt{EQTYPE} is the type of equation
to be solved, \inltt{Projection} is the spatial projection operator to
be used (which in this case is specified to be `Continuous') For
additional solver-setting options refer to
the \href{}{User-Guide}.
Finally, we need to specify the expansion bases we want to use in each
of the three composites or sub-domains (\inltt{COMPOSITE=".."})
introduced in section \ref{helm-pre}:
In particular, for all the composites, \inltt{COMPOSITE="C[i]"} with
i=1,2,3 we select identical basis functions and polynomial order,
where \inltt{NUMMODES} is the number of coefficients we want to use
for the basis functions (that is commonly equal to P+1 where P is the
polynomial order of the basis functions), \inltt{TYPE} allows
selecting the basis functions \inltt{FIELDS} is the solution variable
of our problem and \inltt{COMPOSITE} are the mesh regions created by
Gmsh. For additional details on the \inltt{EXPANSIONS} tag refer to
the \href{}{User-Guide}.
Generate the file \inlsh{Helm\_conditions.xml} in the directory
\inlsh{\$NEKTUTORIAL} with $\lambda=2.5$ or copy it from the \inlsh{completed}
\chapter{Running the solver}
Now that we have the mesh file compatible with Nektar++ which will support periodic boundary conditions,
\inlsh{Helm\_mesh.xml}, and we have completed the condition file,
\inlsh{Helm\_conditions.xml}, we can run the solver by using the following command:
Run the ADRSolver in the directory \$NEKTUTORIAL using the command:
\tutorialcommand{\$NEK/ADRSolver Helm\_mesh.xml
Note that we have written the mesh in a separate file from the
conditions. This is generally more efficient because it allows
reopening just the condition file which is much smaller in size than
the mesh file (especially for large problems). However, we could also
have written both the mesh and the conditions in unique file and used
the same command as above for running the solver (in this case with
just one file instead of two as line argument).
As soon as the file finishes running, we should see the following
screen output:
EquationType: Helmholtz
Session Name: Helm_mesh
Spatial Dim.: 2
Max SEM Exp. Order: 5
Expansion Dim.: 2
Projection Type: Continuous Galerkin
Lambda: 2.5
Forcing func [0]: -(Lambda + 2*PI*PI)*cos(PI*x)*cos(PI*y)
Writing: "Helm_mesh.fld"
Writing: "Helm_mesh.fld"
Total Computation Time = 0s
L 2 error (variable u) : 0.000159378
L inf error (variable u) : 0.000454467
where the L2 and L inf errors are evaluated against
the \inltt{<FUNCTION NAME="ExactSolution">} provided in
the \inlsh{Helm\_conditions.xml} file. To have a more detailed view on
the solver settings and parameters used, it is possible to use
the \inltt{-v} option (which stands for verbose) as follows:
Rerun the \inlsh{ADRSolver} with the verbose option:
\tutorialcommand{\$NEK/ADRSolver -v Helm\_mesh.xml Helm\_conditions.xml}
The simulation has now produced a final \inlsh{.fld} binary file.
Now that the simulation has been completed, we need to post-process
the file in order to visualise the results. In order to do so, we can
use the built-in post-processing routines within Nektar++. In
particular, we can use the following command
\begin{tutorialtask} In the \inlsh{\$NEKTUTORIAL} directory convert the .xml and .chk files into a .vtu format
by calling
Helm\_mesh.xml Helm\_conditions.xml Helm\_mesh.fld Helm\_mesh.vtu}
which generates a \inlsh{.vtu} file that is a readable format for the
open-source package Paraview or VisIt. Note that we typically have to
specify both the mesh \inlsh{.xml} file and the condition \inlsh{.xml}
file. We can now open the \inlsh{.vtu} file just generated. This
produces the image in Fig.~(\ref{f:soln}).
\caption{Helmholtz solution}
You should be now familiar with the following topics:
\item Generate a simple mesh in Gmsh and convert it in a Nektar++-compatible format;
\item Visualise the mesh in Paraview;
\item Setup the boundary conditions, the parameters and the solver settings;
\item Run the ADR solver; and
\item Post-process the data in order to visualise results in Paraview/VisIt.
\section{Additional Exercises}
\item Increase the polynomial order and plot the L$_{2}$ error vs. the polynomial order in a semilogarithmic scale.
\item If the solver is compiled with the MPI option, then try running the case in parallel
with \inlsh{mpirun -np 2}.
\item Change the Projection Operator to DisContinuous to see the same problem running with an HDG solver.
\item Change one of the boundary conditiosn to a Robin (Mixed) boundary
condition of the form $\partial u/\partial n = \alpha u + \beta$ whith $\alpha =1$ and $\beta$ determined from the exact solution.
To check the additional settings and parameters that can be used for
this solver, check the folder: \inlsh{\$NEK/solvers/ADRSolver/Tests/}
where you can find several tests associated to the ADR solver.