Removing debian buster 2 of 7 checklist items completed
- Merged
- 3
- Approved
updated -
Fix interleaving for the non-QP CUDA, Kokkos, and SYCL backend for the PhysDeriv and IProductWRTDerivBase operators. 4 of 4 checklist items completednektar!1901 feature/redesign
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- 15
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Update StdRegions and Operator library to use PhysDeriv AVX code throughout 4 of 5 checklist items completednektar!1890 feature/redesign
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- 1
- Approved
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Replace EXECSPACE_MEMORY_REGION_ONLY function by a flag 3 of 3 checklist items completednektar!1898 feature/redesignupdated
Unify BwdTrans operator to use vec_t approach in legacy, avx and serial implementations 4 of 7 checklist items completednektar!1882 feature/redesign
- Merged
- 2
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Improve data access for the CUDA, Kokkos, and SYCL backend of interleaving kernels 4 of 4 checklist items completednektar!1897 feature/redesignupdated
Fix CUDA dynamic shared memory allocation in templated device code 4 of 4 checklist items completednektar!1896 feature/redesignupdated
Implemented IPWRTDB for AVX and BwdTrans, PhysDeriv and Helmholtz in serial 4 of 4 checklist items completednektar!1885 feature/redesign
- Merged
- 1
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Replaced MPI_Init with MPI_Init_thread to avoid deadlocks from scotch 7 of 7 checklist items completednektar!1853 v5.7.0
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- 1
- Approved
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Fix some bugs in CUDA, Kokkos and SYCL of PhysDeriv, IProductWRTBase, and... 4 of 4 checklist items completednektar!1894 feature/redesignupdated
Fix some bugs in Kokkos and SYCL BwdTrans implementation not yet covered by unit test 3 of 3 checklist items completednektar!1893 feature/redesignupdated
Set up IPWRTDB in serial (sumfac) to use vec_t routines and realign derivative factor layout 4 of 7 checklist items completednektar!1867 feature/redesign
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- 21
updated -
Temporary fix for the Dirichlet boundary condition 4 of 4 checklist items completednektar!1891 feature/redesignupdated
Add synthetic turbulence generation for the compressible solver 7 of 7 checklist items completednektar!1859 v5.7.0
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- 8
- Approved
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Allow wrapper array around a existing raw pointer 6 of 7 checklist items completednektar!1848
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- 4
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Fix interpolation on 2D manifold in a 3D space 7 of 7 checklist items completednektar!1840 v5.7.0
- Merged
- 2
- Approved
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Add AVX backend for AddIntegral operators with interleaved data 3 of 3 checklist items completednektar!1855 feature/redesign
- Merged
- 40
- 1
- Approved
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Fix BwdTrans for Pyr with var P 5 of 5 checklist items completednektar!1886 v5.7.0updated
Fix for variable P Tets 5 of 5 checklist items completednektar!1881 v5.7.0updated
Activate Kokkos-CUDA GitLat CI (compilation only) 2 of 2 checklist items completednektar!1887 v5.7.0 feature/redesignupdated