Separate MeshGraph input/output functions into a new class 6 of 7 checklist items completed
Fix Summary output 3 of 3 checklist items completed
Remove copy entire input and output to padded aligned arrays in MatrixFree operators 4 of 4 checklist items completed
Use FwdTrans instead of `FwdTransLocalElmt` for Parareal iteration in time-integration 3 of 3 checklist items completed
Use BOOST_PP to generate switch statement in MatrixFreeOps to allow ability to secify range 4 of 4 checklist items completed
Draft: Matrix-Free PhysInterp1DScaled Operator & Tidying up 1 of 7 checklist items completed
Fix memory leak with LowEnergyBlock preconditioner when updating 7 of 7 checklist items completed
Fix MPI communicator for parallel-in-time 3 of 3 checklist items completed
Fix parareal convergence monitoring 3 of 3 checklist items completed
Fix/fourrier weight 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Draft: Tidy GMRES output and capture scientific notation 7 of 7 checklist items completed
Fix AdaptiveSFD for MPI 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Draft: CollectionsUnitTests for LinearAdvectionDiffusionReaction operator 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Added H1 norm to Error filter 4 of 4 checklist items completed
Preconditioner freezing for ContField::GlobalSolve 5 of 7 checklist items completed
Fix interpolation on 2D manifold in a 3D space 7 of 7 checklist items completed
Draft: Replacing ASSERTL0 with NEKERROR eFatal and ASSERTL1, ASSERTL2 with NEKERROR eWarning 7 of 7 checklist items completed!1843
Fix multilevel IterativeStaticCond with absolution tolerance 6 of 6 checklist items completed
Replaced MPI_Init with MPI_Init_thread to avoid deadlocks from scotch 7 of 7 checklist items completed
Fixed L2norm for FilterError 4 of 4 checklist items completed